Influencing Without Authority in Project Management
By James G. Trela, PMP, MBA, MS-IST, GLCP-L1
Anyone that has taken on the role as a project manager, either officially or not, knows the feeling. We are handed a project to deliver that has stakeholders from different organizations, as well as we depend on other organizations for their support to be successful. Most of the time, we are not the CEO of the company, nor do the people that have tasks to complete report to you. You do not have the authority to get the work done, but it is your responsibility to get it done. Does that sound familiar? This is a scenario a project manager faces every day.
About the Author

James G. Trela, PMP, MBA, MS-IST, GLCP-L1
James G. Trela has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Master of Science degree in Information Systems and Technology from the University of Michigan, and an MBA from Walsh College of Business and Accountancy. Trela earned the International Institute for Learning’s 2018 Acknowledgment Ambassador Award for his work in hosting and producing the Art of Grateful Leadership podcast and earned his Grateful Leadership Certified Professional – Level 1 certification in 2019. Trela presented at IIL’s 2023 International Project Management Day. Currently, Trela is a Senior Project Manager and North American Project Management Lead for iPoint Systems GmbH.
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